Safeguarding is the shared responsibility of everyone in our parish community to ensure the safety and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. It is also about the safe behaviour of everyone who has a duty of care within our community. Safeguarding is not just about responding to harm; it is also about being proactive in the prevention of any kind of abuse or harm. It applies to everyone within our community.
Membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) helps to ensure that those who have regular contact with children and vulnerable adults through paid or unpaid work are suitable to undertake these ministries.
Both churches have a Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator whose main role is to support the Parish Priest to ensure that the national policy,” In God’s Image” from the Bishops of Scotland is implemented effectively in the parish.
St Anthony’s Church St Mark’s Church
Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator
Mrs. Therese Whyte (Tel. 07904891669) Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson (Tel. 07855441832)
Extensive guidance and instruction for every parish has been issued by the Bishops of Scotland on Safeguarding and full details are given in the Diocese of Motherwell website, click here to visit those pages. The website gives contact details for the National Safeguarding Co-ordinator and various Survivor Support organisations. It also contains links to the publication entitled “IN GOD’S IMAGE” which is an ‘Instruction’ from the Bishops of Scotland directing the approach to Safeguarding which must be followed in every Catholic Diocese in Scotland, with effect from 21st May 2018.